Presenter Commercial Agreements
To ensure Radio 531/FM93.5 complies with the Broadcasting Standards Act 2000 we are obliged to disclose any commercial agreements Radio 531/FM93.5 Presenters may have.
Staff employed by Radio 531/FM93.5 (Port Macquarie Super AM 531 Pty Ltd) have NO commercial agreements in place.
Some programs on Radio 531/FM93.5 are relayed from the 2SM Supernetwork group of stations, these can include 2SM, 2HD, 2TM and Radio 97. A register of any agreements these presenters may have can be viewed by visiting the 2SM , 2HD , 2TM or the Radio 97 websites.
Local Content Statement
Radio 531/FM93.5 complies with the Australian Communications and Media Authority Broadcasting Service Act (Material of Local Significance – Notice)
For further information, please download our Local Content Statement.